Best Real Estate Season in Years! Highlands and Cashiers have seen great sales in real estate for 2017! In fact, it appears to be the strongest since the market fell off in 2006 & 2007. What many people don’t realize is that its lowest was 2012 (Case-Shiller Home Price Index). But before you get too… Continue reading Highlands Cashiers Real Estate Holds Promise for 2017
Author: Rick
Real Estate Broker for Franklin, Highlands, Cashiers, Glenville, Sapphire and surrounding areas of NC. JW, Pioneer.
Cashiers Real Estate Market Holding
Cashiers Real Estate Holding Steady Sometimes, steady can be a good thing. While real estate in the Highlands and Cashiers area has shown slow growth, that may be the best growth.
Cashiers Real Estate
Cashiers Real Estate Showing Good Growth The real estate market in Highlands and Cashiers has been down for some time. Although there has been no phenomenal growth, there has been a steady growth, which economists seem to agree is the best growth market.
Cashiers Real Estate
Lookers Fall as Buyers Increase Lookers in Real Estate seemed to fall online during the month of March. Still, there was an increase in closings for that month, relative to previous years.
Real Estate Market Trends
Real Estate Sales Rise in Highlands/Cashiers The trend in real estate continues to show growth in the Highlands/Cashiers area. The last several months have shown unit sales to be above previous 3 years.
Higher Temperatures – Higher Sales
Warm January While this winter has seen warmer than usual temperatures, real estate sales in Highlands/Cashiers area show a little warmth as well.
Real Estate High
2016 Shows Improvement The real estate market for Cashiers and Highlands area had a slow start. However, its end made up the difference.
Real Estate Moving
Flurries Just Aren’t for Snow While real estate sales slow this time of year for this region, this firm continues to stay very active and enjoys the flurry of activities.
Peak Real Estate Sales
Temperatures Begin to Fall as Do Sales It’s been a warm fall in both temperatures and real estate home sales. Now that temperatures are starting to go down, it appears the sales are headed the same direction.
Peak Season for Leaves and Real Estate
“Leaves Peak and Possibly Real Estate” The leaf season is nearing its peak. Probably another week left for higher elevations. Is the real estate market nearing its peak for the season?